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Establish Strong Measures of Teaching Excellence

TRESTLE is a 7-institution NSF-funded project to support improvements in undergraduate STEM education through (1) supporting course design projects, (2) enhancing educational expertise in departments, and (3) building communities within and across campuses to enhance the impact of local experts.
In 2014, the University of Michigan launched an NSF-funded program to reinvent introductory teaching and learning in the core STEM disciplines.  REBUILD (Researching Evidence-Based Undergraduate Instructional and Learning Developments) aimed to promote recruitment, retention, and academic excellence in STEM disciplines by catalyzing the use of evidence-based teaching methods and learning analytics.  Toward this end, REBUILD faculty and postdocs led reform efforts in traditionally lecture-based, high-enrollment courses and labs in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics.
As a direct result of the AAU STEM Initiative, we have substantial evidence of institutional change occurring at Washington University. This includes the funding of a new initiative to continue increasing adoption of evidence-based pedagogies in STEM, as well as expansion and adoption of programs begun by the AAU Initiative.
The University of Wisconsin-Madison's (UW-Madison) Delta Program in Research, Teaching, and Learning promotes professional development in teaching for graduate students and post-docs so that they can successfully implement and advance effective teaching practices for diverse student audiences as part of their careers.
Our project aims to increase undergraduate persistence in the sciences through introductory laboratory courses in which students perform real research experiments and analyze and report their results. They will take part in scientific process and join our department's scientific community early on in their biology careers at the University of Pittsburgh.
To improve learning, the Swanson School of Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh is introducing a flipped, or inverted, classroom model in which direct learning (lecture) takes place outside of class, while class time is used for active learning.
The Sandra K. Abell Conversations about College Science Teaching are monthly meetings intended to spark discussion about different approaches to science teaching and encourage interdisciplinary conversations among faculty and graduate students in STEM disciplines at the University of Missouri.
University of Missouri's A TIME for PHYSICS FIRST is part of an organized movement to reverse the typical sequence of courses so that physics is taught in ninth grade. The project prepares Missouri's 9th grade science teachers to become intellectual leaders as they learn to teach a yearlong freshman physics course.
The University of Missouri implemented opportunities for faculty to redesign courses to be more effective and engaging for student learning by enhancing the effective use of technology in the classroom.