A goal of AAU’s undergraduate STEM education initiative is to develop effective means for sharing information about promising and effective undergraduate STEM education programs, approaches, methods, and pedagogies. Listed below are reports, scholarly publications, and resources developed by AAU.
AAU Initiatives in Undergraduate and Graduate Education (updated June 2022)
AAU STEM Initiative May 1, 2020 Virtual Meeting Report
Catalysts for Achieving Sustained Improvement in the Quality of Undergraduate STEM Education - in Daedalus Fall 2019 Issue
Promoting Transformation of Undergraduate STEM Education: Workshop Summary Report
The Promise of a "Network of Networks" Strategy to Scale Change: Lessons from the AAU STEM Initiative - in Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning
AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative: Matrix of Summative Evaluation of Teaching Strategies
Scaling Improvement in STEM Learning Environments: The Strategic Role of a National Organization
Aligning Practice to Policies: Changing the Culture to Recognize and Reward Teaching at Research Universities - in CBE--Life Sciences Education
Catalyzing Institutional Transformation: Insights from the AAU STEM Initiative - in Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning
Improving Undergraduate STEM Education at Research Universities: A Collection of Case Studies
University Learning: Improve Undergraduate Science Education- in Nature
A National Organization Leverages Systemic Change in STEM Teaching and Learning - in Researching Students
The Role of Cultural Change in Large-Scale STEM Reform: The Experience of the AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative - in Transforming Institutions
The Roles of Data in Promoting Institutional Commitment to Undergraduate STEM Reform: The AAU STEM Initiative Experience - in Transforming Institutions
Searching for Better Approaches: Effective Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in STEM
Framework for Systematic Change in Undergraduate STEM Teaching and Learning
AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative Two-page Summary
AAU Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative Discussion Draft
AAU Matrix of National STEM Undergraduate Education Initiatives