In 2014, the University of Michigan launched an NSF-funded program to reinvent introductory teaching and learning in the core STEM disciplines. REBUILD (Researching Evidence-Based Undergraduate Instructional and Learning Developments) aimed to promote recruitment, retention, and academic excellence in STEM disciplines by catalyzing the use of evidence-based teaching methods and learning analytics. Toward this end, REBUILD faculty and postdocs led reform efforts in traditionally lecture-based, high-enrollment courses and labs in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics.
Access | Align Incentives with the Expectation of Teaching Excellence | Biology | Facilities | University of Michigan | Articulated Learning Goals | Chemistry | Establish Strong Measures of Teaching Excellence | Pedagogy | Technology | Assessments | Engineering | Faculty Professional Development | Leadership Commitment | Data | Educational Practices | Math | Physics | Scaffolding | Cultural Change
As a direct result of the AAU STEM Initiative, we have substantial evidence of institutional change occurring at Washington University. This includes the funding of a new initiative to continue increasing adoption of evidence-based pedagogies in STEM, as well as expansion and adoption of programs begun by the AAU Initiative.
Biology | Washington University in St. Louis | Chemistry | Establish Strong Measures of Teaching Excellence | Engineering | Physics | Other Science/Interdisciplinary | Cultural Change
As a direct result of the AAU STEM Initiative, we have implemented numerous professional development activities for our faculty. Professional development is being implemented in a multi-pronged fashion, and includes observation and feedback for faculty, and multiple professional development activities including multi-day summer institutes, a mentoring program, a community of practice, and a speaker series.
Biology | Washington University in St. Louis | Chemistry | Pedagogy | Assessments | Engineering | Faculty Professional Development | Educational Practices | Physics | Other Science/Interdisciplinary | Scaffolding
The primary focus is to implement and evaluate our multiple-strategy approach for incorporating active learning into lower-level STEM courses. The multiple-strategies approach allows instructors flexibility in integrating active learning into a framework that meshes with their approach to teaching and with the demands of their discipline and the academic department with which the instructor is affiliated.
Biology | Washington University in St. Louis | Chemistry | Pedagogy | Assessments | Engineering | Educational Practices | Physics | Other Science/Interdisciplinary
UVA's upper level Biochemistry Laboratory course has been designed to ensure that all students graduating from the Chemistry department with a Biochemistry specialization have had research experience.
University of Virginia | Articulated Learning Goals | Chemistry | Pedagogy | Assessments | Educational Practices
The University of Pittsburgh's Discipline-Based Science Education Research Center (dB-SERC) promotes and supports evidence-based teaching practices which bridge the gap between teaching and learning.
Access | Align Incentives with the Expectation of Teaching Excellence | Biology | University of Pittsburgh | Articulated Learning Goals | Chemistry | Establish Strong Measures of Teaching Excellence | Pedagogy | Assessments | Faculty Professional Development | Data | Educational Practices | Math | Physics | Other Science/Interdisciplinary | Scaffolding | Cultural Change
A partnership between the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Maryland Baltimore County goal is to produce a dramatic increase in the number of high achieving under-represented undergraduate students in science that attain advanced STEM degrees.
Access | Biology | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Articulated Learning Goals | Chemistry | Pedagogy | Assessments | Educational Practices | Math | Physics
The University of North Carolina have hired eight STEM lecturers trained in evidence-based teaching methods to reduce class sizes.
Biology | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Chemistry | Pedagogy | Faculty Professional Development | Educational Practices | Math | Physics
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is creating a support framework to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based teaching practices in large courses that have traditionally been taught by the lecture method.
Biology | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Chemistry | Pedagogy | Faculty Professional Development | Leadership Commitment | Educational Practices | Physics | Cultural Change
The University of Missouri offers a variety of undergraduate research programs to allow students to explore the unknown through hands-on work with faculty mentors and hopefully increase the number of students who pursue STEM fields.
Access | Biology | University of Missouri, Columbia | Chemistry | Pedagogy | Educational Practices | Physics | Other Science/Interdisciplinary