The Penn State Consortium to Combat Substance Abuse will bring together experts from across Penn State to combat the opioid crisis through data-driven, evidence-based innovation.
The Pennsylvania State University | AAU Universities Battle the Opioid Crisis | Serving Local Communities
Harvard and the University of Michigan have formed two partnerships designed to encourage economic opportunity in Detroit and to fight the national scourge of opioid addiction.
Harvard University | University of Michigan | AAU Universities Battle the Opioid Crisis | Serving Local Communities | Community Impact
The Opioid Task Force at Texas A&M University Health Science Center is combating this growing public health emergency with a dedicated team of scholars and practitioners.
A new University of Pittsburgh report outlines a framework for Pitt and other higher education institutions to address the growing national opioid crisis.
Several pieces of legislation regarding opioid prescriptions have just gone into effect or will do so over the next several months, affecting health care providers across the state of Michigan. Other states may follow suit or may already have passed similar provisions.
As the opioid crisis deepens across the country, researchers at Indiana University have released a series of research-driven, potential solutions.
Indiana University Bloomington | AAU Universities Battle the Opioid Crisis | Serving Local Communities | University Research
Emory University conducted a town hall meeting on the opioid crisis as part of Emory’s “Conversations with America,” a series that is convening focus groups across the country to help advance civil discourse on difficult issues.
The Western New York community has enlisted experts from the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences to help combat the national opioid epidemic, which has reached crisis proportions.
University at Buffalo - The State University of New York | AAU Universities Battle the Opioid Crisis | Serving Local Communities
The Penn State Evidence-based Prevention and Intervention Support Center (EPISCenter) is helping a state agency — which works to prevent violence, delinquency and substance abuse in youth — implement a model that shows which prevention programs provide the most cost-effective services to communities.
The Pennsylvania State University | AAU Universities Battle the Opioid Crisis | Serving Local Communities
A new white paper designed to provide New York State healthcare providers and communities with the tools to manage and reduce opioid use disorder in pregnancy has been released by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), District II.
Stony Brook University - The State University of New York | AAU Universities Battle the Opioid Crisis | Serving Local Communities | University Research