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Department of Education

AAU, along with 21 other higher education organizations, joined a letter led by ACE to the Department of Education expressing concerns with the reporting deadline for gainful employment (GE) and financial value transparency (FVT) reports.
Status of FY25 appropriations including the President’s FY25 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at the Department of Education including Title IV and Title VI funding.
Status of FY24 appropriations including the President’s FY24 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at the Department of Education including Title IV and Title VI funding.
AAU joined an ACE letter to the House Committee on Labor-HHS funding for FY24.
AAU joined letter to Secretary Cardona on factors to consider when Ed Department conducts need analysis formula for student aid
AAU signed onto a Student Aid Alliance (SAA) letter, for which AAU is a member of the Steering Committee, along with 34 other members, to urge Congress to support increases in several impactful postsecondary education programs for the FY24 budget such as an increase in the maximum Pell Grant to $13,000 per student.
AAU joined ACE and 83 other higher education organizations in a comment letter to the Department of Education’s Feb. 15 Dear Colleague Letter, “Requirements and Responsibilities for Third-Party Servicers and Institutions.”
Friends of IES, of which AAU is a member, sent a letter to leadership in the Labor, HHS, Education & Related Agencies subcommittees of the Appropriations committees in the House and Senate urging them to provide $900 million in funding for the Institute of Education Sciences (IES).
AAU joined ACE and 13 other higher education associations in sending a comment letter to the U.S. Department of Education about possible changes to the 2011 Dear Colleague letter on the incentive compensation prohibition and bundled services exception, specifically in regard to online program managers (OPMs).