This document outlines numerous key differences in private foundation accounting for F&A costs, including the increased flexibility afforded to foundations, and the differences in research focus.
Responses to common questions about F&A costs of research
This resource document identifies key terms; effective practices proposed by institutions and government and non-government entities; links to various government and non-government entity lists, and topical analysis and proposed policy recommendations in several key areas..
Status of FY25 appropriations including the President’s FY25 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at the National Science Foundation including Research and Related Activities, Education and Human Resources, and Major Research Equipment & Facilities Construction.
Agency Budgets | Fact Sheets | FY25 | Federal Budget | Appropriations Tables | National Science Foundation
Status of FY25 appropriations including the President’s FY25 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at NASA including Science, Aeronautics, Space Technology and Education Mission Directorates.
Status of FY25 appropriations including the President’s FY25 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at the Department of Energy including the Office of Science and ARPA-E.
Status of FY25 appropriations including the President’s FY25 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at the Department of Education including Title IV and Title VI funding.
Agency Budgets | Fact Sheets | FY25 | Federal Budget | Appropriations Tables | Department of Education
Status of FY25 appropriations including the President’s FY25 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at the Department of Defense including 6.1 Basic Research, 6.2 Applied Research, 6.3 Advanced Technology Development, and DARPA.
Agency Budgets | Fact Sheets | FY25 | Federal Budget | Appropriations Tables | Department of Defense
Status of FY24 appropriations including the President’s FY24 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at NASA including Science, Aeronautics, Space Technology and Education Mission Directorates.
Status of FY24 appropriations including the President’s FY24 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at the Department of Energy including the Office of Science and ARPA-E.