Status of FY24 appropriations including the President’s FY24 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at NASA including Science, Aeronautics, Space Technology and Education Mission Directorates.
The Coalition for National Security Research (CNSR) wrote a letter on FY 24 NDAA conference priorities.
AAU signs on to an ACE organized letter regarding two major concerns in the FY24 NDAA conference.
AAU and APLU submitted a joint letter urging the House and Senate Armed Service Committees to enact policies that support and protect the government-university partnership and to reject measures that undermine the United States’s ability to out-innovate our competitors in the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act measures S.2226 and H.R.2670.
AAU joined the Coalition for International Education on a letter to the House Appropriations Committee leaders concerning the Subcommittee’s FY 2024 funding levels for HEA-Title VI and Fulbright-Hays.
Status of FY24 appropriations including the President’s FY24 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at the Department of Energy including the Office of Science and ARPA-E.
Status of FY24 appropriations including the President’s FY24 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at the National Science Foundation including Research and Related Activities, Education and Human Resources, and Major Research Equipment & Facilities Construction.
Agency Budgets | Fact Sheets | FY24 | Federal Budget | Appropriations Tables | National Science Foundation
Status of FY24 appropriations including the President’s FY24 Budget Request for AAU’s funding priorities at the Department of Education including Title IV and Title VI funding.
Agency Budgets | Fact Sheets | FY24 | Federal Budget | Appropriations Tables | Department of Education
AAU joined an ACE letter to the House Committee on Labor-HHS funding for FY24.
Graduate Education | Letters | Student Aid | FY24 | Federal Budget | Higher Education Legislation | Department of Education
Six coalitions joined a letter urging House and Senate Appropriations Committees to provide the highest possible FY24 302(b) allocation for the CJS Appropriations Subcommittee.
Agency Budgets | Letters | FY24 | Federal Budget | National Science Foundation | Innovation and Competitiveness | NASA