AAU, ACE, and thirty-three other organizations sent this letter to Mick Mulvaney, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, to express their concerns regarding possible FY2018 Budget rescission and the inclusion of federal student aid programs.
Letters | Student Aid | FY18
AAU and ACE joined thirty-three other higher education associations to urge appropriators to not include or at least reject any rescission proposals that include federal student aid.
Letters | Student Aid | FY18
This document summarizes the FY18 Omnibus funding bill for federal agencies and programs of interest to research universities.
Student Aid | Federal Budget | FY18 | Analysis | National Institutes of Health | National Science Foundation | Department of Defense | Department of Energy | NASA | Department of Education | National Endowment for the Humanities | Agriculture & Food Research Initiative
AAU joined ACE and over three dozen higher education organizations in a letter to party leadership thanking them for "the commitment to student aid and scientific research in the Fiscal Year 2018 Consolidated Appropriations Act."
Department of Energy Research Funding Table FY18
Department of Defense Research Funding Table FY18
Agency Budgets | Fact Sheets | Federal Budget | FY18 | Appropriations Tables | Department of Defense
Department of Education Funding Table FY18
Agency Budgets | Student Aid | Fact Sheets | Federal Budget | FY18 | Appropriations Tables | Department of Education
National Science Foundation Funding Table FY18
Agency Budgets | Fact Sheets | Federal Budget | FY18 | Appropriations Tables | National Science Foundation
NASA Funding Table FY18
Status of FY18 appropriations including House and Senate allocations for AAU's funding priorities.
Fact Sheets | Federal Budget | FY18 | Appropriations Tables | National Institutes of Health | National Science Foundation | Department of Defense | Department of Energy | NASA | Department of Education | National Endowment for the Humanities | Agriculture & Food Research Initiative