Research on the COVID-19 pandemic is made possible by a robust government-university partnership that has fueled much of the greatest medical, technological, and economic breakthroughs of the last 70-plus years, including the development of the polio vaccine. Then, as now, America's leading research universities are confronting our biggest challenges head-on, and are central to health and security of our nation.
At the same time, the pandemic is causing extraordinary disruption to the teaching, research, and service activities of research universities, which are among the largest, if not the largest, employers in their states.
AAU provides guidance and recommendations for policymakers to ensure students can continue their education, protect this critical partnership, and support the work of researchers and healthcare workers in their race to fight back and develop cures for this unprecedented illness.
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AAU joined ACE and 31 other organizations on a letter to Senate HELP Committee leaders urging them to adopt a amendment by Senator Chris Murphy to add the ‘‘Temporary Reciprocity to Ensure Access to Treatment Act,” or TREAT Act to the PREVENT Pandemics Act (S. 3799).