AAU, and four higher education organizations, joined comments led by ACE to the Department of Education in response to the information comment request regarding proposed changes to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The letter emphasizes the value of IPEDS data stating “Our associations and member institutions are strongly committed to protecting and enhancing the value of IPEDS data and ensuring that this collection continues to provide accurate and useful data across the diverse landscape of higher education while at the same time working to minimize the reporting burden on our institutions.”
AAU, and other higher education organizations, joined comments led by ACE to the Department of Education regarding new financial value transparency (FVT) and gainful employment (GE) reporting requirements.
AAU, ACE, and four other higher education associations submit comments supporting the review and approval of the Interagency Edison (iEdison) System.
AAU submits comments to provide input in response to the “Dear Colleague” Letter issued by NSF on May 4, 2023 regarding the development of the U.S. Research Security and Integrity Information Sharing Analysis Organization; NSF 23-098.
AAU, ACE, and 12 other organizations in the higher education community submitted comments to to the National Science Foundation (NSF) regarding the Proposed Implementation of Proposal and Award Policies & Procedures (PAPPG) Chapter VII.D.3 "Foreign Gifts and Contracts Disclosure."
AAU has submitted comments in response to OSTP’s request for information on the draft NSPM-33 Research Security Programs Standard Requirement. The comments address overarching concerns including accounting for a risk-based approach and requesting clarity on the four program requirements: foreign travel security, research security training, cybersecurity, and export controls training.
AAU joined AUTM and COGR in sending a letter asking the United States International Trade Commission to reject TRIPS waivers for COVID-19 therapeutics and diagnostics.
AAU joined the American Council on Education (ACE) and 15 other higher education associations in a comment letter to the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) request for information (RFI) on the proposed changes to the collection of the “statistical standards used to collect data on race and e
AAU joined COGR and APLU to provide comments on a proposed policy from NASA, which would update the terms and conditions of grants funded to include new requirements related to disclosure of conflict of interest and conflict of commitment.