Each year, AAU provides budget recommendations for federal investments in student aid programs and scientific research conducted at America's universities.
Without sustained federal investment growth, our country will miss out on groundbreaking innovations, new cures for diseases, and inventions that create new industries. Read AAU's budget recommendations for the federal agencies and programs that are vital to the strength of the government-university partnership that fuels our economy, creates jobs, strengthens national security, and improves health.

AAU urges Congress to provide $700 million to fund the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) in FY23. AFRI is the premier competitive grants program for fundamental and applied research, extension, and education in support of our nation’s food and agricultural systems.

AAU urges Congress to provide $814.5 million for the Institute for Education Sciences (IES) in FY23. IES supports high-quality education research that results in teaching and learning innovations that offer tremendous returns for our society.

AAU urges Congress to provide $161.1 million for Title VI International Education programs in FY23. Due to budget reductions in FY11 these programs sustained a 43% reduction that has not kept pace with inflation.

AAU urges Congress to provide at least $204 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities in FY23. NEH grants support the humanities nationwide—including history, English, and civics—which are fundamental to learning and essential for full participation in a modern democracy.

AAU urges Congress to provide at least $49 billion for the National Institutes of Health in FY23. NIH contributes to American economic growth and productivity and expands biomedical knowledge by funding cutting-edge research and cultivating the biomedical workforce of today and tomorrow.

AAU urges Congress to provide at least $11 billion for the National Science Foundation (NSF) in FY23. The NSF is the cornerstone of America’s basic research enterprise.

Federal student aid is an essential element in the nation’s economic growth and prosperity, enabling low- and middle-income students to attend college and current workers to retrain for new careers.

AAU urges Congress to provide at least $2.929 billion for DOD 6.1 basic research, $4.119 billion for DARPA, and $20 billion for DOD S&T in FY23. Department of Defense (DOD)-funded basic research has contributed significantly to our nation’s economic and national security

AAU urges Congress to provide $8.8 billion for the DOE Office of Science and $500 million for ARPA-E in FY23. DOE is the leading source of federal investment in basic physical-science research, providing nearly 47% of total funding.