Terrapin Teachers is a new initiative in undergraduate secondary STEM teacher education at the University of Maryland supported by the National Mathematics and Science Initiative. The program is a replication of the nationally known and highly regarded UTeach program that was developed at the University of Texas at Austin under the leadership of UMD Provost Mary Ann Rankin. It is an innovative, collaborative academic program between the College of Computer, Mathematical, & Natural Sciences (CMNS) and the College of Education (COE) that provides students with the opportunity to add teaching to the career options available to them by getting a subject- matter degree in their discipline of interest.
Terrapin Teachers is geared toward attracting academically strong STEM students to a teaching career and increasing the number of highly-skilled secondary STEM teachers.
As in our current program, students in STEM fields will receive both a content degree and eligibility for teacher certification. This program prepares students to teach math and science effectively using inquiry and project-based instruction.
Participants in Terrapin Teachers are not only prepared to pursue a wide variety of careers in their major areas, but also to teach in middle or high schools. One benefit of Terrapin Teachers is that undergraduates will broaden their career choices upon graduation. Terrapin Teachers will answer growing local and national needs for highly qualified math and science teachers.