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AAU submitted comments to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Research Integrity regarding its notice of proposed rule making on Public Health Service Policies on Research Misconduct. AAU expressed concerns that the proposed regulations would “substantially increase – not decrease – the complexity of the research misconduct review process.”
AAU submitted a response to the National Institutes of Health’s request for public comments to enhance public access to the results of NIH-supported research.
Nominate your colleagues, collaborators, and role models for a 2022 Golden Goose Award.
AAU and APLU have laid out "Principles and Values to Guide Actions Relevant to Foreign Government Interference in University Research." 
AAU's summary of the bipartisan COVID-19 emergency relief bills.
AAU joined ACE and 25 other higher education associations to submit comments on the Department of Education’s Notice of Interpretation on Section 117 enforcement.
AAU sent a memo to House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology staff to provide feedback on future economic stimulus packages to provide relief during the COVID-19 crisis.
Collected tax-policy proposals from the higher education community in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Collected requests for guidance from the higher education community in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
This document outlines AAU’s FY21 funding recommendations for federal research and higher education agencies and programs for which the association advocates.