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Tobin Smith

Senior Vice President for Government Relations and Public Policy

Tobin (Toby) Smith oversees AAU’s government relations and public policy activities. In his current role at AAU, he provides strategic leadership and management for the association’s priorities in matters relating to science and innovation policy, higher education, and AAU’s international activities. He has specific expertise in policy matters relating to the broader impacts of science, research costs, research integrity, export controls, research security, scientific openness, public access to research results, and technology transfer. He shares responsibility for oversight for AAU’s Council on Federal Relations (CFR) and the Senior Research Officers (SRO) constituent groups and serves as AAU’s liaison with the Global Research-Intensive Universities Network. 

Toby first came to AAU in 2003. Prior to that Toby worked as a federal relations representative for the University of Michigan and for MIT. He began his career on Capitol Hill as a legislative assistant to Congressman Bob Traxler (D-MI). 

Toby writes and speaks widely on issues of science policy. He is the co-author of a 2008 book on national science policy titled, Beyond Sputnik – U.S. Science Policy in the 21st Century. He serves on the Advisory Board of the International Network for Advancing and Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science (AESIS); is a member of the Council of Experts for the NSF sponsored Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) and the governing board for the Journal of Science Policy and Governance; and is co-chair of Engaging Scientists in Engineers in Policy (ESEP), an ad hoc alliance of organizations focused on helping scientists and engineers to effectively engage in the policy making process at all levels of government. Toby is active in AAAS where he is honorific fellow and officer of the Societal Impacts of Science and Engineering section (Section X). He has also served in several local and state leadership roles as a volunteer with Virginia Cooperative Extension and the 4-H youth program.  

Toby holds a master’s degree in Legislative Affairs from George Washington University, and a bachelor’s degree in General Studies (BGS) from the University of Michigan.