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Section 2: Description & Analysis

Section 2: Project Sites

This section presents summaries and analyses of the strategies and approaches that the AAU STEM project sites are implementing to improve undergraduate STEM education at their institutions.

This section describes the discipline and curriculum reform focus as well as the organizational change models for each of the eight project sites. Looking across the various approaches enacted at the eight project sites and their corresponding outcomes, AAU has identified several cross-cutting strategies that can be implemented to achieve systemic improvements in undergraduate STEM teaching and learning.

These cross-cutting strategies are presented in a way that aligns them to the Framework along with evidence to support their effectiveness. Throughout the section also are examples and vignettes highlighting specific ways in which units are successfully implementing long-lasting changes in STEM teaching and learning within their institutional contexts.

Information from site visits, common data collection, and project site reports are among the sources used to provide much of the detailed analysis and identification of cross-cutting strategies.