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AAU President Thanks Senate Appropriators for Increased Investments in NSF and NASA

Following is a statement by Association of American Universities President Mary Sue Coleman regarding the Senate’s FY19 Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill:

We applaud Senate appropriators for proposing increased investments in the National Science Foundation and NASA. We especially thank Subcommittee leaders Jerry Moran and Jeanne Shaheen for their bipartisan efforts to increase investments in NSF and NASA, inlcuding their unwavering commitment to NASA Science, Space Technology, and the Space Grant program.

After years of flat funding, the Committee’s proposed 4 percent funding increase for NSF is a welcome improvement, but additional funding is required if the U.S. is to remain a global science and technology leader.

AAU and its member universities stand ready to work with Congress to reach at least $8.45 billion for NSF in FY19. This level of funding will help ensure the continued strength of America’s unique government-university partnership which bolsters our nation’s health, security, and economic competitiveness.

Founded in 1900, the Association of American Universities comprises 62 distinguished institutions that continually advance society through education, research, and discovery.

Our universities earn the majority of competitively awarded federal funding for academic research, are improving human life and wellbeing through research, and are educating tomorrow’s visionary leaders and global citizens.

AAU members collectively help shape policy for higher education, science, and innovation; promote best practices in undergraduate and graduate education; and strengthen the contributions of research universities to society.

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