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Creating Academic Pathways in STEM

By creating coordinated partnerships among 2-year colleges and the 4-year research universities in Colorado, we will create pathways that increase the number of students, and the quality of their preparation, from historically underrepresented populations in the STEM fields (including students
of color, women, and low-income and first-generation college students).

By creating coordinated partnerships among 2-year colleges and the 4-year research universities in Colorado, we will create pathways that increase the number of students, and the quality of their preparation, from historically underrepresented populations in the STEM fields (including students
of color, women, and low-income and first-generation college students). Additional partnerships with Colorado’s industry and national laboratories will ensure that these students matriculating in STEM majors will be ready to engage and contribute to a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. A wide-variety of successful, but independent efforts to advance STEM education will be linked to dramatically increase the number of students achieving Bachelor’s degrees (or higher). Through this pilot and subsequent efforts we will establish robust, institutionalized mechanisms to ensure the sustained success of these partnerships that serve our students, institutions and region.   

Contact Sarah M. Miller at [email protected] and Janet Lynn Yowell at [email protected] for more information.