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Lecturers with the Potential for Security of Employment

Lecturer with the Potential for Security of Employment (LPSOE) and Lecturer with Security of Employment (LSOE) are designations used by the University of California for faculty members appointed to help meet the long-term instructional needs of the university that cannot be best fulfilled by an appointee in the Professor (Ladder Rank) series.

LPSOEs and LSOEs are expected to contribute excellent teaching, and play a leadership role in teaching in their departments and disciplines. They also have leadership responsibilities that transcend teaching, including as facilitators and initiators of instructional development, curriculum design, course structure, teaching methods, new technologies, and coordination of a spectrum of teaching activities.

LPSOEs are equivalent in level to assistant professors. They have a probationary period and may be appointed in the series for no more than eight years. They receive appraisals and are considered for promotion to LSOE on the same timelines as assistant professors. LSOEs are equivalent in level to associate professor, and “security of employment” is analogous to tenure. The title “Senior Lecturer” may be assigned to an appointee who provides services of exceptional value and whose excellent teaching and professional accomplishments have made him/her a recognized leader in his or her professional field and/or in education. The Senior LSOE is equivalent in level to full professor.

Appointees in the LPSOE/LSOE series are reviewed for performance using four criteria:

  1. Teaching of truly exceptional quality,
  2. Professional achievement and activity: an appointee in the LSOE series is expected to maintain currency in the profession and pedagogy,
  3. University and public service, and
  4. Educational leadership beyond the campus and contributions to instruction-related activities (i.e., conducting TA training, supervision of student affairs, development of instructional materials/multimedia).