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TFAI Urges Congress to Include Supplemental Appropriations in Final Conference Agreement on Pending Competitiveness Legislation

The Task Force on American Innovation, an alliance of industry, professional societies, and university organizations including AAU, sent a letter urging congressional leaders to include supplemental appropriations for science and technology programs in the final conference agreement on the House-passed America COMPETES Act and the Senate-passed U.S. Innovation and Competition Act.

The letter specifically urges supplement appropriations for programs “that have received robust, long-term and bipartisan authorization,” such as the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. “With FY22 appropriations decision now complete, it is imperative that Congress fund the ambitious authorizations for these programs by making an immediate down payment in the final bill that can be sustained in FY23 and beyond,” the letter stated.

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