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Public Access to Research Data: The Role of Universities and Disciplinary Societies

In an effort to align academic and society-level discussions on public access to research data, AAU and APLU cohosted a workshop with American Geophysical Union (AGU) -- Public Access to Research Data: The Role of Universities and Disciplinary Societies. The workshop built on the AAU and APLU Accelerating Public Access to Research Data NSF-funded project (#1939279) and the AGU We Share Data NSF-funded project (#1838990). The workshop focused on the unique role professional and disciplinary societies can play in supporting data access and how it is different from, but complementary to, recent efforts undertaken by AAU and APLU. Participants discussed how disciplinary societies can advance access to research data by developing and promoting standard data sharing practices and expectations; creating discipline-specific templates for data management plans; and helping researchers identify and store data in disciplinary repositories.

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