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Coalition for Aerospace and Science Requests $9 Billion for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate

The Coalition for Aerospace and Science sent a letter to leaders of the House and Senate Subcommittees on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies requesting at least $27.84 billion in funding for NASA in FY23, including $9 billion for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. CAS is an alliance of prominent industry, academic, and scientific organizations, including AAU, that advocate for strong federal investments in NASA. According to the letter, $9 billion for NASA’s SMD would “maintain the current slate of SMD activities while accommodating the planned cost peaks of missions in development, enable new competitive mission opportunities across all mission sizes, and continue support for individual investigator grant programs that are crucial for supporting the next generation of researchers.”

CAS also includes a request for $154 million for the Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM), including $65 million for the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Project . OSTEM supports efforts to diversify NASA’s STEM workforce; investments in OSTEM, the letter notes, would help NASA “attract, fully engage, and retain the best talent available in the face of stiff competition from other science and technology sectors.”

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