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AAU, Associations Ask State Governors to Extend and Expand Telehealth Licensure Flexibilities

AAU joined more than 200 organizations in sending a letter urging state governors across the United States to maintain and expand licensure and telehealth flexibilities for the duration of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency. During the COVID-19 pandemic, state governors across the country waived some aspects of state licensure requirements allowing licensed medical professionals greater flexibility to treat patients in other states, including via telehealth. Over the last few months, several states have allowed licensure flexibilities to expire, causing disruption to ongoing patient care. Many universities have needed these flexibilities to provide care for their students, faculty, staff, and patients.

The letter urges the nation’s state governors to reinstate licensure flexibilities if they have expired or to implement new flexibilities to better address patient needs. Additionally, the letter calls on governors and state legislatures to expand their participation in health professional compacts that allow for mutual recognition of licensure among states. “Given the urgency of the times as more states consider rolling back flexibilities enacted at the start of the pandemic, states must act now to ensure patients can access the care they need where they reside and when they need it,” the letter states.

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