U.S. Global Competence: The Role of International and Foreign Language Education
Today, the U.S. faces an urgent education issue that will directly affect our nation’s well being for generations to come: the global competence of Americans. Ensuring the nation’s security, economic competitiveness, foreign policy leadership, and ability to understand and meet global challenges in the 21st century depends on U.S. global competence.
Sponsored by the Coalition for International Education and the National Council for Languages and International Studies in cooperation with Rep. Rush Holt (D-‐NJ) and Rep. Tom Petri (R-‐WI). Also sponsored by the American Council on Education, Association of American Universities and Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.
Letter to The Honorable Arne Duncan, Secretary, U.S. Department of Education
AAU urges Congress to provide at least $75.7 million for the Department of Education's International Education and Foreign Language Programs in FY13
Funding for foreign language and international education programs.