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AAU STEM Project Site Scholarship

This section lists the peer-reviewed scholarship that has been generated by the AAU Project Site Teams. The citations are categorized by their area of focus: Policies and Strategies; Elements of Active Learning; Practical Steps to Improve Undergraduate Education; and Instructional Personnel.

Policies and Strategies

Institutional Strategies to Increase the Value of Improving Undergraduate Teaching

Corbo, J. C., Reinholz, D. L., Dancy, M. H., Deetz, S., & Finkelstein, N. (2016). Framework for transforming departmental culture to support educational innovation. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12(1), 010113.

Corbo, J. C., Reinholz, D.L., Dancy, M. H. and Finkelstein, N (2015). Departmental Action Teams: Empowering Faculty to Make Sustainable Change, in Physics Education Research Conference 2015 (College Park, MD, 2015).

Fairweather, J. S., Trapani, J., & Paulson, K. (2016). The roles of data in promoting institutional commitment to undergraduate STEM reform: The AAU STEM Initiative experience. In G. C. Weaver, W. D. Burgess, A. L. Childress, & L. Slakey (Eds.), Transforming institutions: Undergraduate STEM education for the 21st century (pp. 429-437). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.

Macfadyen, L. P., Groth, D., Rehrey, G., Shepard, L., Greer, J., Ward, D., Bennett, C., Kaupp, J., Molinaro, M., & Steinwachs, M. (2017). Developing institutional learning analytics ‘communities of transformation’ to support student success. Paper presented at the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, March 13-17, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Retrieved from uploads/2016/11/LA_Fellows_workshop_V3.0.pdf

Matz, R. L., & Jardeleza, S. E. (2016). Examining the Role of Leadership in an Undergraduate Biology Institutional Reform Initiative. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 15(4)

Miller, E. R., & Fairweather, J. S. (2016). The role of cultural change in large scale STEM reform. In G. C. Weaver, W. D. Burgess, A. L. Childress, & L. Slakey (Eds.), Transforming institutions: Undergraduate STEM education for the 21st century (pp. 48-66). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.

Pagliarulo, C., & Molinaro, M. (2015). iAMSTEM: Increasing STEM success at UC-Davis. Peer Review, 17(2), 13. Retrieved from

Weaver, G. C., Burgess, W. D., Childress, A. L., Slakey, L. (Eds.). (2016). Transforming Institutions: Undergraduate STEM education for the 21st century. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
Policies and Strategies to Encourage the Use of Effective Teaching Practices

Burd, G. D., Tomanek, D., Blowers, P., Bolger, M., Cox, J., Elfring, L., Grubbs, E., Hunter, J., Johns, K., Lazos, L., Leysecky, R., Milsom, J. A., Novodvorsky, I., Pollard, J., Prather, E., Talanquer, V., Thamvichai, K., Tharp, H., & Wallace, C. (2016). Developing faculty cultures for evidence-based teaching practices in STEM: A progress report. In G. C. Weaver, W. D. Burgess, A. L. Childress, & L. Slakey (Eds.), Transforming institutions: Undergraduate STEM education for the 21st century (pp. 90-102). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.

Hogan, K. A., Krumper, J., McNeil, L. E., & Crimmins, M. T. (2016). Advancing evidence-based teaching in gateway science courses through a mentor-apprentice model. In G. C. Weaver, W. D. Burgess, A. L. Childress, & L. Slakey (Eds.), Transforming institutions: Undergraduate STEM education for the 21st century (pp. 77-89). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.

Reinholz, D. L., Corbo, J. C., Dancy, M. H., Finkelstein, N., & Deetz, S. (2016). Towards a model of systematic change in university STEM education. In G. C. Weaver, W. D. Burgess, A. L. Childress, & L. Slakey (Eds.), Transforming institutions: Undergraduate STEM education for the 21st century (pp. 115-124). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.

Practical Steps to Improve Undergraduate Education: Curricula and Assessment

Assessment of Undergraduate Student Learning

Becker, N., Noyes, K., & Cooper, M. (2016). Characterizing students’ mechanistic reasoning about London dispersion forces. Journal of Chemical Education, 93(10), 1713-1724.

Cooper, M. M. (2015). Why ask why? Journal of Chemical Education, 92(8), 1273-1279.

Cooper, M. M., Caballero, M. D., Ebert-May, D., Fata-Hartley, C. L., Jardeleza, S. E., Krajcik, J. S., Laverty, J. T., Matz, R. L., Posey, L. A., & Underwood, S. M. (2015). Challenge faculty to transform STEM learning. Science, 350(6258), 281-282.

Cooper, M. M., Kouyoumdjian, H., & Underwood, S. M. (2016). Investigating students' reasoning about acid–base reactions. Journal of Chemical Education, 93(10), 1703-1712.

Cooper, M. M., Williams, L. C., & Underwood, S. M. (2015). Student understanding of intermolecular forces: a multimodal study. Journal of Chemical Education, 92(8), 1288-1298.

Cooper, M. M. (2016). It is time to say what we mean. Journal of Chemical Education, 93(5),799-800.

Cooper, M. M., Posey, L. A., & Underwood, S. M. (2017). Core ideas and topics: Building up or drilling down? Journal of Chemical Education, 94(5), 541-548.

Irving, P. W., Sawtelle, V. D., & Caballero, M. D. (2015). Troubleshooting Formative Feedback in P³ (Projects and Practices in Physics). Paper presented at the Physics Education Research Conference, July 29-30, College Park, MD.

Laverty, J. T., Underwood, S. M., Matz, R. L., Posey, L. A., Carmel, J. H., Caballero, M. D., Fata-Hartley, C. L., Ebert-May, D., Jardeleza, S. E., & Cooper, M. M. (2016). Characterizing College Science Assessments: The Three-dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol. PLOS ONE, 11(9), e0162333.

Underwood, S. M., Reyes-Gastelum, D., & Cooper, M. M. (2015). Answering the Questions of Whether and When Learning Occurs: Using Discrete Time Survival Analysis to Investigate the Ways in Which College Chemistry Students’ Ideas About Structure–Property Relationships Evolve. Science Education, 99(6), 1055-1072.

Williams, L. C., Underwood, S. M., Klymkowsky, M. W., & Cooper, M. M. (2015). Are Noncovalent Interactions an Achilles Heel in Chemistry Education? A Comparison of Instructional Approaches. Journal of Chemical Education, 92(12), 1979-1987.

Course (Re-)Design and Student Learning Outcomes

Crimmins, M. T., & Midkiff, B. (2017). High structure active learning pedagogy for the teaching of organic chemistry: Assessing the impact on academic outcomes. Journal of Chemical Education, 94(4), 429-438.

Dockter, D., Uvarov, C., Guzman-Alvarez, A., & Molinaro, M., (in press). Improving preparation and persistence in undergraduate STEM:  Why an online, summer chemistry preparation course makes sense. Forthcoming ACS Publication, Online Approaches to Chemical Education, Manuscript ID: bk-2016-005344.

Dourte Segan, L., & Elliott, E. R. (2016). Group problem solving coupled with hands-on activities: Conceptual gains and student confidence in an introductory biomechanics course. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, June 26-29, New Orleans, LA. Retrieved from conferences/64/papers/16930/view

Dourte Segan, L., & Ilkhanipour Rooney, S. (2015). Structured, active, in-class learning: Connecting the physical to the mathematical in an introductory biomechanics course (work in progress). Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, June 14-17, Seattle, WA. Retrieved from

Eddy, S. M., & Hogan, K. A. (2014). Getting under the hood: How and for whom does increasing course structure work? CBE—Life Sciences Education, 13(3), 453-468. http://dx.doi. org/10.1187/cbe.14-03-0050

Irving, P. W., Obsniuk, M. J., & Caballero, M. D. (2016). P3: A Practice Focused Learning Environment. arXiv:1607.04455 [physics.ed-ph]. Retrieved from abs/1607.04455.

Molinaro, M., Steinwachs, M., Li, Q., & Guzman-Alwarez, A. (2016). Promoting instructor and department action via simple, actionable tools and analyses. Paper presented at the Learning Analytics for Curriculum and Program Quality Improvement Workshop co-located with the Sixth International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, April 25, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Retrieved from:

Rainey, K., Corbo, J. C., Reinholz, D. L., and Betterton, M. Improving Representation in Physical Sciences using a Departmental Action Team, in Physics Education Research Conference 2016 (Sacramento, CA, 2016).

Solomon, E. D., Cohen, C. A., Cahill, M. J., McDaniel, M. A., Zhao, J., & Frey, R. F. (in review). Examining the impact of student characteristics: Active learning with clickers predicts performance in an introductory science curriculum. CBE-Life Sciences Education. Manuscript submitted May 2017.

Underwood, S. M., Reyes-Gastelum, D., & Cooper, M. M. (2016). When Do Students Recognize Relationships Between Molecular Structure and Properties? A Longitudinal Comparison of the Impact of Traditional and Transformed Curricula. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 17(2), 365-380.

Laboratory Instruction in STEM

Carmel, J. H., Ward, J. S., & Cooper, M. M. (2017). A Glowing Recommendation: A Project- Based Cooperative Laboratory Activity to Promote Use of the Scientific and Engineering Practices. Journal of Chemical Education, 94(5), 626-631. jchemed.6b00628

Elements of Active Learning

Collaborative Small-Group Learning

Obsniuk, M. J., Irving, P. W., & Caballero, M. D. (2015). A Case Study: Novel Group Interactions through Introductory Computational Physics. Paper presented at the Physics Education Research Conference, July 29-30, College Park, MD.

Trenshaw, K. F., Targan, D. M., & Valles, J. M. (2016). Closing the achievement gap in STEM: A two-year reform effort at Brown University. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Northeast Section Conference, April 28-30, Kingston, Rhode Island. Retrieved from

Creating Learning Resources

Allen, G., Guzman-Alvarez, A., Smith, A., Gamage, A., Molinaro, M., & Larsen, D. S. (2015). Evaluating the effectiveness of the open-access ChemWiki resource as a replacement for traditional general chemistry textbooks. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 16, 939-948.

Instructional Personnel

Training Graduate Teaching Assistants

Becker, E. A., Easlon, E. J., Potter, S. C., Guzman-Alvarez, A., Spear, J. M., Facciotti, M. T., Igo, M. M., Singer, M., & Pagliarulo, C. (Manuscript submitted for publication). The effects of practice-based training on graduate teaching assistants’ classroom practices. CBE—Life Sciences Education.

Ilkhanipour Rooney, S., Schafer McGurk, J., Elliott, E. R., Williams, U. J., & Dourte Segan, L. (2015). Facilitating the transition of a traditional engineering course to a structured, active, in-class learning environment as a teaching assistant. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, June 14-17, Seattle, WA. Retrieved from

Evaluating Teaching Practices

Burd, G. D., Novodvorsky, I., Tomanek, D., & Varma-Nelson, P. (2015). Improving teaching quality through peer review of teaching. In Searching for Better Approaches: Effective Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in STEM (pp. 47-58). Tucson, AZ: Research Corporation for Science Advancement. Retrieved from

Fisher, B. A., & Frey, R. F. (2015). Using documentary tools to foster the practice of scholarly teaching. National Teaching and Learning Forum, 24(2), 4-6.

Frey, R. F., Fisher, B. A., Solomon, E. D., Leonard, D. A., Mutambuki, J. M., Cohen, C. A., Luo, J., Pondugula, S., & Frey, R. F. (2016). A visual approach to helping instructors integrate, document, and refine active learning. Journal of College Science Teaching, 45(5), 20-26. Retrieved from

Solomon, E. D., Repice, M. D., Mutambuki, J. M., Leonard, D. A., Cohen, C. A., Luo, J., & Frey, R. F. (in review). A mixed method investigation of clicker implementation styles in STEM. CBE-Life Sciences Education. Manuscript submitted August 2017.
