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In response to news from the Department of Education (ED) announcing changes that will result in some students qualifying for more federal Pell Grants, we encourage colleges and universities to provide flexibility to students and families as they consider their offers of admission and financial aid.
Student Aid | StatementsThe Task Force on American Innovation, of which AAU is a member, encouraged Congress to increase funding for scientific and engineering in a press release.
Federal Budget | FY21 | National Science Foundation | NASA | Department of Energy | Department of Defense | StatementsAAU Board of Directors October 21, 2018 approved a statement concerning Congressional earmarking of federal research funds. The statement notes that earmarks may reduce the capacity of federal research agencies that sponsor merit-based competitions to support the most promising research.
Merit Review | Research Administration & Regulation | StatementsAAU joins the Energy Sciences Coalition in a statement supporting bipartisan efforts to reauthorize ARPA-E at the Department of Energy.
FY18 | Department of Defense | Agency Budgets | StatementsStatement by AAU and APLU praising the Obama administration's final rule amending the “Common Rule,” the set of regulations governing federally funded research using human subjects.
Research Administration & Regulation | Human Subjects Protection | StatementsJoint Statement of AAU, APLU, and COGR: “Academic Research Regulatory Relief: A Review of New Recommendations”
Innovation and Competitiveness | Research Administration & Regulation | StatementsThe Association of American Universities (AAU), the association of 60 leading U.S. research universities, calls on presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to promote policies that foster innovation, enhance college affordability, attract and retain top international talent, and…
Innovation and Competitiveness | Costs of Research | Immigration | Federal Budget | Affordability and Student Aid | StatementsUniversity groups’ statement on National Academies report to optimize federal investments in academic research.
Research Administration & Regulation | Human Subjects Protection | StatementsFollowing is a statement by AAU on the introduction of the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act by Senators Gardner and Peters.
Innovation and Competitiveness | National Science Foundation | Merit Review | Technology Transfer | Department of Energy | StatementsA statement by AAU on three FY16 appropriations bills the House has passed that fund scientific research.
Federal Budget | Agency Budgets | NASA | National Science Foundation | Department of Energy | Department of Defense | Statements