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AAU President Mary Sue Coleman Comments on Fisher v University of Texas Decision


The Supreme Court’s decision in Fisher v. University of Texas is good for higher education and good for the country. We are delighted by the Court’s reaffirmation that colleges and universities may judiciously use race as one factor among many in admissions processes designed to achieve their educational goals.

As AAU has stated numerous times in the past, diversity among students adds significantly to the rigor and depth of students’ educational experiences and prepares them for citizenship in a free, plural society. The opportunity to learn and interact with peers with varied backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives is essential for students who must navigate an interconnected global economy.

We also appreciate the Court’s restatement of its longstanding recognition that educators are best qualified to determine the proper mix of students to achieve optimal educational outcomes.

AAU universities will continue to strive, within the dictates of the law, to ensure diversity in their student bodies. This is critical to maintaining the preeminence of American higher education in the world. We owe that to our students and the country.